Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Preparing Cabinets For Paint

A picture is worth a thousand words.    In the last post  we outlined a procedure to get your cabinets ready to paint.   Here are a few pictures showing how spot putty is used to correct the damaged area of the cabinets.   Remember:
  • Mask and over the counter top and areas that need to be protected. Typically, this is a brown masking paper or clear plastic sheeting.  These supplies can be purchased at a quality paint store.
  • Sand the cabinets lightly to remove the dirt and grim that has collected.  Or the cabinets surface  can be washed to remove the dirt.  If you sand, be sure to use a tack cloth to wipe up the dust.  A tack cloth is a cheese cloth with a tacky surface that dust will stick to leaving the surface clean. The putty and primer will adhere better  to the surface that is clean.
  • Spot putty the damaged areas and allow to dry.   Apply thin skim coats each time.  And all them to dry thoroughly.  Drying only takes about 15 to 20 minutes.  Then lightly sand it is  until smooth.   Apply another skim coat, allow to dry, then sand.   Follow the same procedure until the damaged area is smooth.    This is usually three coats, but may be more depending on the damaged areas you need to fill. 
  • If you apply a heavy coat of spot putty, it will crack as it dries.   You will end up sanding off the cracked portion.  
  • Apply the primer and allow it to dry thoroughly.  
  • Sand it lightly and remove the sanding dust with a tack rag or brush it away with a duster brush.  If the sanding dust is not removed, the final paint coat will be gritty and it will be necessary to sand it and apply another final coat  over a smooth surface.
 Here are a few pictures showing what the process looks like.   This owner wanted dark cabinets painted.   A similar preparation process  would be used  for woodgraining.
Spot putty has been applied in to damaged areas of cabinet in preparation
of priming and applying a   final coat of paint.
 A paint sprayer was used to apply  the primer to these cabinets
because of the extensiveness of the project.-----And a professional
painter was  doing the work.
We suggest you brush the primer and final coat by hand.  Unless you are familiar with using a  paint sprayer your project can be frustrating learning to use and control the sprayer.
A paint sprayer --painting gun--is not a toy.  Always point the gun towards the ground away from any individual or body part.  If paint is injected into the body serious physical harm
and possible death can occur. 

These  primed cabinet are ready for the final coat.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Painting Cabinets Creates a New Look

Fixing cabinet surfaces can be less expensive than buying and installing new ones.   Whether deciding to paint the cabinet surfaces a solid color or wood graining them to create a new look, the work and effort is worth the time invested.  

Any cabinet surface can be wood grained  to bring out the original look of the cabinetThe cabinet color can be changed to match  new or existing decor.
  • The surfaces  should be lightly sanded. 
  • Then spot putty should be used to cover the imperfections. 
  •  After the spot putty dries, it should be sanded until smooth.   
  • Two or three spot putty applications may be required to cover the spot completely
  •  The spots should be sanded after each fill.  
  • A special primer is then put on the surface and allowed to dry. 
  • The primer is lightly sanded before the final coat is applied.  One or two final coats may be needed, depending the color and type of paint used.   
This is  a basic outline procedure of how to fix, change, or repair cabinet surfaces.   Be sure to check with a quality paint store or call a qualified painter if you have questions

Friday, September 17, 2010

Painting A Garage Door Like A Professional

 Painting or woodgraining  a garage door yourself is huge commitment. The beauty and value it adds to your home is worth the effort.  Matching the front door, shutters, trim, or exterior will make your home a show place. On site color matching might be the answer to match the  existing color of your exterior surface, roof, or shutters.  

Do your homework and have the color ready.   Test it  in an inconspicuous place.  A quality paint store can recommend  the right kind of exterior paint, tools, masking supplies, and clear sealant.  For a quality job, plan your work in steps.  Planning ahead will reduce frustration and disappointment.  Realize that a quality paint job requires three or four working days.

  • Make sure you know what material the door is made of--fiberglass, metal, or wood.  Different surfaces require different paint and preparation.
  • Clean the surfaces before you start and allow them to dry thoroughly. 
  • Mask and drop off the area below the door to protect the cement.  
  • Repair any damaged surfaces on the wood trim or the door surface with a spot putty.
  • Allow the repaired surface to dry then lightly sand.  It may take two to three spot applications before the dents or damaged areas are smooth enough. 
  • Prime the damaged areas.
  • Apply a primer or undercoat on the door, working in sections.
  • Allow it to dry thoroughly.
  • Apply the final coat and allow it to dry.
  • Apply a clear sealant to add durability to your paint job.
This is only a summary of the steps necessary to paint a garage door.  Be sure to check with a quality paint store or call a painter for more information. 

Some "how to paint a garage door" articles indicate you can do a door in a short amount of time.  The objective and reason for painting the door determines the amount of time put into the project.  Repainting for a quick cover up maintenance will require less time.  Painting the door to make your home like a show  piece will require a more time.   The best part is you get to determine the objective and the end result.    And if painting a garage door seems like too much effort,  give us a call!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Increase Your Door's Beauty

Metal frames around doors add durability to the framing structure.   When you have an expensive wood door,  painting the metal frame a solid color distracts from its beauty.   To showcase the door,  we suggest wood graining the  door frame to match.   The frame can be grained with the colors of your door and/or exterior.   The frame also can be wood grained to match the exact grain of the wood. 

An example of this is shown in the frames that match expensive knotty  alderwood doors in an exclusive Park City condominium.   The contractor wanted the doors to be the main focus without the distraction of the metal.    By woodgraining the frames, the focus remained on the doors.  The grained frames added the to beauty of the doors.  

Woodgraining the metal frame to match a building's exterior and the door's colors adds  visual beauty.   The door  seems larger because the matching metal frames don't define the door size.   The same principle applies when woodgraining a metal door.   The  door frame can be grained to match the grain of the metal doors.    

Wood casings can be woodgrained to match a door.  Sometimes the wood casing is a different wood than the door.   The casing takes the stain differently.   By woodgraining and color matching the stain used on the frame, the casing will not be a distraction.

Not every  painter or painting contractor  can wood grain a door to look authentic.   It takes someone who can match colors on site.   By mixing colors on site, the match will be more exact
Make sure your painter  is a knowledgeable artist with experience.  

Friday, September 10, 2010

When to Use Laquer or Varnish

Lacquer is used for interior cabinets, handrails, entertainment centers, tables, chairs,  and ceilings that have wood surfaces.   Lacquer is a quick drying finish.  Manufacturers use it as a finish because it is quick drying.   If water puddles on a lacquered surface, it will eat right through the finish.   Avoid skin contact and flush immediately with water.    Use in a well ventilated area.  Follow the directions and precautions on the container.

Varnish such as spar varnish is a slow drying finish.   It requires 24 hours to dry.  That is why it is an excellent sealant for exterior doors and surfaces exposed to the elements.  Doors should have two, and preferably three coats as a finish.   Be sure to allow a full 24 hours  drying time between coats.   Varnish can be used for interior surfaces such as cabinets, chairs, entertainment centers, chair rails, hand rails and wood banisters.  It is resistant to water.  Avoid skin contact.  If it gets on the skin,  flush immediately with water.  Use only in a well ventilated area.   Follow the directions and precautions listed on the  container.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Renewing and Finishing Decks

Refinishing your deck with bring new life to the wood.  A new stain and sealant will revitalize the deck and preserve the wood.
  • Be sure to power wash the  off to loosen any dirt and immediately apply a brightner while the deck is still wet.   This will bring the wood back to a new wood look.  Be sure to follow the instructions on the can. Let the wood dry over night. 
  •  After the wood is dry apply a light sanding to remove any any rough edges.   
  • Then apply two coats of stain. Allow time for the stain to dry between coats.   The wood often absorbs the first coat because it is so dry.   
  • Then apply a clear sealant.    
Be sure to use quality products and not those from a discount store.   Discount products may save money at first , but you end up paying more  because you'll have to do the deck more often. 

 Check out the products we like to use on our website.  

Seely Painting, Inc.        


Friday, September 3, 2010

Increase Your Homes Value With Exterior Color Matching

The color of  a building's exterior makes viewing it a pleasant experience.   Exteriors that are not color coordinated create irritating feelings. 

First think of a building where the colors are not pleasing and your resistant feeling to enter the building.    Then think of a building where the colors matched or coordinated.  Entering this building was a pleasant experience. 

Regardless of the building materials, on-site color matching can create  colors that will enhance your home or building's beauty. 

 For example, wood additions,  trim, or decks can be coordinated with brick, stucco, or vinyl siding. A contrasting color can be created for doors and trim painted a solid color  that will harmonize with the roof  or exterior building color.   

If the exterior brick has multiple colors in it,  a color can be matched to one of the specks. 

On-site color matching is advantageous because the colors will be custom and create the exact look you want.    

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Increase Your Homes Value With A Wood Grained Door

Nothing is more beautiful than a wooden door to enhance your home and increase its value.   The only draw back is the price of a wooden door.   Doors start at a minimum price of $400. 

An alternative to this is to use a faux wood grained door. Whether it is a metal or fiberglass door your home can be changed from an ordinary painted entrance door to an extraordinary door. 

With on-site color matching , the door can be made to match your home's exterior.  A wood grained entrance door.  will show piece your home.   Just as no two real wood doors are alike, every wood grained door is different because every door is a work of art.