Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How Do You Woodgrain?

Wood graining is a faux finish.   People watch in amazement as a dented door that looks like it has been through a war is turned into a beautiful masterpiece. The question most often asked is "How do you do that?"   There is no grand secret.   Mostly  time, patience, and imagination will get the process started.

If you are interested in trying your hand at the process or just curious about how it is done, here is a summary.

Graining a wood, metal or fiberglass door  requires six to eight different steps of shading and color.
It is best to start with small projects so you 're not overwhelmed with the process.

There are many books and websites that can help you along in the process.  If nothing else, a greater appreciation for this art  will be gained by trying your hand at this process.

If you need help or are interested in a larger project, give us a call.   Take a look at our website  to look at the possibilities.