Home Preparation
- Use a twelve- foot scaffolding with two planks and wheels.
- Mask and cover the walls with plastic
- Cover the floor with plastic and drop cloths
Ceiling Preparation
- Spray the ceiling with latex primer specifically made to go over lacquer.
- Allow the ceiling to dry for a day.
- Spray the ceiling with a high gloss white latex finish.
It is important to have the proper equipment and helpers when attempting a project such as this.
Safety should be your first priority. Don't skip the safety precautions just to save a few extra hours. It is important to have the proper equipment and helpers when attempting a project such as this.
- Always use a spraying mask and goggles to protect your mouth, nose, and eyes.
- Helpers and extremely import to have to avoid life threatening accidents.
- Make sure your spraying equipment is in good working order.
- A paint sprayer --painting gun--is not a toy. Always point the gun towards the ground away from any individual or body part. If paint is injected into the body serious physical harm
and possible death can occur. - Take your time with a project this size. Rest when you are tired. Accidents happen when you are exhausted.
Other Considerations
Be sure to compare the costs and risks of doing it yourself or hiring a professional to do a project this side. Always ask a quality paint consultant for the best products to use when working with different materials.