When a paint job is failing on an exterior, look for possible causes. An example of a problem might be a portion of a fascia is blistering and nowhere else on the fascia paint is blistering. Because no other areas on the fascia were failing, there is probably another external cause. There might be water seeping under the surface. Until you know the real problem of the paint failure, painting again would result in failure.
If you have a good painter, the he should guarantee the work for a year and be willing to take care of any problems. If he doesn't know why the paint is failing, he will contract other experts who deal in siding, metal gutters, or paint composition. If we don't know the answer, we ask a company representative to look at a problem and give an opinion. Often the paint problem cannot be properly assessed until the representative looks at the problem on site. The paint company should also guarantee the paint for a certain numbers of years.
When painting old siding, call a professional painter or your quality paint representative. A qualified painter will contact a paint representative if he is working with unfamiliar surfaces. Special preparations might be necessary to help your paint adhere better. Sometimes no special preparation is necessary.
Be sure to keep any touch up paint so that unforeseen paint problems can be remedied.
If you have a painting problem, don't be afraid that ask for help at your quality paint store.