Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to Finish and Stain New Bare Wood Banisters

Today I received a call from an individual wanting to know how to  prepare and stain a brand new bare wood banister   These are the steps.

  • First lightly sand all surface areas with a medium coarse sponge sander.
  • Dust the sanding dust off and use a tac rag to wipe off an remaining dust. 
  • Apply a pre stain which can be purchased at Sherwin Williams, or Kwal Painting companies.  Each company is part of a national chain so they can be found in almost every state.
  • Stain an inconspicuous area to make sure that is the color you want.  If you have extra pieces or sample pieces of  wood from the banister, use those first.
  • Apply the oil stain color you want. With an oil base stain you have more to time to brush it  or rag it on evenly.   Brush it on and wipe of the excess.
  • Do not use a water base stain because it will cause the wood grain to raise.
  • Allow the oil base stain dry over night.  
  • Don’t  sand the banister after stain coat dries because that will remove the stain.
  • Apply a first finish coat of interior oil varnish-non-yellowing 
  • Allow it to dry 24 hours between coat.  
  • Lightly sand after the first coat of varnish with a fine sponge sander.  Use a tac rag to remove the sanding dust.  
  • Apply the last finish coat and let it dry.  

If you have questions, give us a call  
Seely Painting, Inc. 801.636.1918 
or go to your quality paint store.

    Thursday, March 17, 2011

    Wood Graining A Door

    Wood graining your doors is a great way to 
    add beauty to your home without having 
    to purchase a new door.
    These pictures will help explain 
    how we wood grain doors.
    This picture shows how to cover the dents and imperfections with Bondo.* Be sure to use light skim coats. Let the bond dry. Lightly sand it.  If needed, use several slight skim coats to build up the dent until it is smooth.   If you use heavy skim coats the coat will crack.  Be sure to lightly sand after every coat.

    This picture shows applying a light undercoat to 
    the door and casing. Several under coats of 
    different colors are applied.
    Each undercoat is allowed to dry before 
    applying the next coat.  

    This picture shows the dark 
    over coating around the casing.

    In this picture the final dark over coat is applied 
    to the door.   The wood  graining is done by hand.
    A final clear sealant coat 
    was used to cover the wood graining
    and protect the door.

    You might enjoy reading our blog post "How to Woodgrain." 

    *Bondo is an all purpose body putty by 3M Company.  Be sure to read and follow the directions on the can, or ask your quality paint store for instructions on its use.

    This post is only a summary of how we woodgrain.  Be sure to consult your painting professional or quality paint store for directions,


    Tuesday, March 8, 2011

    Adequate Ventilation When Painting

    This is a followup on some cautions for painting a basement.   
    • Make sure you have adequate ventilation when using a sealing varnish or lacquer for wood trim, handrails, etc.   Make sure you open doors and windows if possible,  use fans to keep the air circulating.   
    • Wear a mask or respirator  
    • If you feel woozy, light headed, or sick,   get outside where you can get fresh air. 
    Breathing the fumes is very dangerous.   They can cause permanent health damages.   

    • Adequate ventilation is necessary when using any type of painting material.
    Latex and acrylic based paints have very little odor.   Make sure that you always have ventilation when you paint a basements or enclosed areas.

    Refinishing & Painting A Ceiling

    This week we will refinish and paint a 20 foot ceiling that is approximately 120 square feet.  The owner is remodeling the whole house so we are starting on the ceiling first.    The ceiling is made of slats that have been  stained a walnut color with a lacquer finish.   He wants a high gloss white painted over the stained slats.

     Home Preparation

    Ceiling Preparation
    • Spray  the  ceiling with  latex primer specifically made to go over lacquer.
    • Allow the ceiling to dry for a day. 
    It is important to have the proper equipment and helpers when attempting a project such as this.
    Safety should be your first priority.   Don't skip the safety precautions just to save a few extra hours. It is important to have the proper equipment and helpers when attempting a project such as this.
    • Always use a spraying mask  and goggles to protect your mouth, nose, and eyes.    
    • Helpers and extremely import to have to avoid life threatening accidents.  
    • Make sure your spraying equipment is in good working order. 
    • A paint sprayer --painting gun--is not a toy.  Always point the gun towards the ground away from any individual or body part.  If paint is injected into the body serious physical harm
      and possible death can occur. 
    • Take your time with a project this size.  Rest when you are tired.   Accidents happen when you are exhausted.
    Other Considerations

    Be sure to compare the costs and risks of doing it yourself or hiring a professional to do a project this side.   Always ask a quality paint consultant for the best products to use when working with different materials.  

    Saturday, March 5, 2011

    The Best Blog for March

    We want to know which blog article you liked by participating in a short survey.   This will let us know how we're doing and if we're meeting your needs.   Below are the four posts you 
    can vote on this month.

    1. Preparing & Staining Wood Banisters
    2. Latex Paint Not Sticking To a Wood Handrail
    3. Painting Handrails
    4. Preparing Cabinets for Paint
    After looking at the blog articles, go to our website and vote.   
    Thank you.  
    If you have any comments, let us know by e-mail us at painterseely@yahoo.com

    We love to paint and it shows.